VERY few understand the correct way to use human placenta, you might be using it all wrongly, throwing your money into the drain, jab for nothing and pain for nothing!
Here we reveal the correct method to use human placenta and to get the best out of it- fast, effective and lasting human placenta results.
为什么注射人胎素 绝对不要用 “点滴” 注射法 ?
Why We MUST NEVER “Drip” Human Placenta ?

最近经常有朋友,客户问我,人胎素配合美白针怎么打,是一起点滴注射,还是分开人胎素肌肉或者皮下注射,今天我特地上了日本医院的论坛网站, 揭发最准确有效的方式式打人胎素。。。
Recently, there are a lot of friends and clients who often ask me, since they are using both human placenta and whitening inject, how should they mix human placenta and whitening injection? Are they supposed to combine both and administer through dripping? Administer of human placenta intramuscular or subcutaneous injection? Today, retrieved from Japan hospital forum site, lets disclose the most effective and accurate methods of using human placenta.

华语翻译by lovepotionsss:
English Translation by lovepotionsss: :
- There is totally no effect by administering human placenta through dripping.
- It would be a waste.
- Effect can only be seen by injecting Human placenta subcutaneous or intramuscularly
- Intravenous infusion caused the human placenta to circulate in the body too quickly that it is almost impossible to be absorbed.
- Therefore, human placenta is best used through subcutaneous, intramuscular injection, 2-3 times a week
- It is better to use human placenta on a different the area of body from the area of dripping- whitening injection such as platinum Japan, Snow Japan etc.
- Human Placenta (MELSMON JAPAN) containing benzyl alcohol which MUST NOT administer through dripping.
- Human Placenta (LAENNEC JAPAN) uses enzyme decomposition method, by administer through dripping into the body, it will immediately react with the body's enzymes, thereby disappearing.
- So there is no effect at all.

华语翻译by lovepotionsss: :
English Translation by lovepotionsss: :
- Firstly, by dripping of human placenta, it is completely ineffective.
- Human placental therapy is most effective through subcutaneous / intramuscular.
- Speed of dripping is too fast that human placenta substance would immediately be discharge through urine discharge.
- Under safety aspects, there is no clinical trials done by Japanese biologics Melsmon pharmaceutical for intravenous and intravenous drip of Melsmon Human Placenta. There is a possibility of complication if used wrongly.
- As specified by manufacturer if the correct method of usage is not followed, if would be under the doctor and consumer's own risk and responsibility.

华语翻译 by lovepotionsss: :
English Translation by lovepotionsss: :
- As according to cosmetic surgeon, it is basically correct.
Only for ラエンエック(人胎素打针剂ラエンネック・メルスモン)
- As for Japanese biological agents advocate dripping, intravenous is also safe. (However, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan only approved the license of use by subcutaneous or intramuscular)
- And the fact is that , the longest lasting effect of human placenta is though subcutaneous injection, but only a small amount of subcutaneous injection is used each time. If you want to have a quicker and more significant effect, then point injection and intramuscular injection method can be used.

皮下注射と筋肉内注射/ Intramuscular
还有很多论坛上面的小编就不一一列举了,每家日本医院的推荐方法都有些不同,就是说点滴注射效果会特别快,特别明显,但是马上就会消失哦,所以是比较浪费的行为!皮下注射的效果维持时间最长哦! 最后人胎素一次最大量是可以5支的!但是只能一周注射一次,是没有时间去美容院的朋友们的好选择。
There are many other similar discussions in the hospital forums above which I won't further explain, each and every hospital recommended methods which are somewhat different- however, the statement which every doctor agrees on is that the effect of dripping is quick, evident but will disappear relatively fast which is very much wasteful! Subcutaneous injection of the product will have the most lasting effect! Finally, the highest amount of human placenta can be administer per day is 5 amp, but must be injected only once a week, which is the best option for those who are too busy for injection every other day.
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